Introduction to LoRaWAN Tutorial and Lab
Course summary
Introduction to the fundamentals of Low-Power Wide-Area Networks (LPWAN) for engineering students (M1) at Télécom SudParis and ESME Sudria
This 6h tutorial session, which also comes with a lab session, offered to engineering students at Télécom SudParis and ESME Sudria, provides a theoretical introduction to IoT concepts and LPWAN challenges.
It includes practical applications with an introduction to LoRaWAN, discovering the IoTLab platform for remote experimentation, and hands-on experience exchanging packets using the LoRaWAN The Things Network.
The course is co-taught with my PhD supervisor from Afnic, Sandoche Balakrichenan, who presents the theoretical concepts.
I am responsible for conducting demonstrations using experimental equipment and overseeing the practical part of the course.
I also deployed a platform allowing each student remote access to a work environment during Covid-19, providing them with personalized subjects.
This course also included feedback on examples from the IoTLab platform and communication of encountered errors to its administrators.
Slides (in French)
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