DNS-based dynamic context resolution for SCHC


LPWANs are networks characterised by the scarcity of their radio resources and their limited payload size. LoRaWAN offers an open, easy-to-deploy and efficient solution to operate a long-range network. To efficiently communicate using IPv6, the LPWAN working group from the IETF developed a solution called Static Context Header Compression (SCHC). It uses context rules, which are linked to a given End Device, to compress the IPv6 and UDP header. Since there may be a huge variety of End Devices profile, it makes sense to store the rules remotely and use a system to retrieve the profiles dynamically. In this paper we propose a mechanism based on DNS to find the context rules associated with an End Device, allowing it to be downloaded from an HTTP Server. We evaluate the corresponding delay added to the communications using experimental measurements from a real testbed.

In ICC 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)

To enable efficient IPv6 communication on LPWANs, the IETF’s LPWAN working group developed Static Context Header Compression (SCHC).

This solution compresses IPv6 and UDP headers using context rules linked to specific end devices. Given the variety of end device profiles, a system to dynamically retrieve these rules is logical.

The paper “DNS-based dynamic context resolution for SCHC” suggests a DNS-based mechanism to find and download these rules from an HTTP server, with experimental testbed measurements evaluating the added communication delay.

Postdoctoral Fellow @ Polytechnique Montréal

Tech enthousiast, interested in computer networks, distributed processing and a bit of AI.
